(This compendium of knowledge about the WARHELL universe  is still incomplete and will be gradually supplemented.)

ANTIMATTER -     is material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but have opposite charge. Antimatter cannot be stored in a container made of ordinary matter because antimatter reacts with any matter it touches, annihilating itself and an equal amount of the container. Antimatter in the form of charged particles can be contained by a combination of electric and magnetic fields.Isolated and stored anti-matter could be used as a fuel.

ARK  - a huge spaceship comanded by STAND ( human being integrated with computer and ship machinery)  Mankind has sent into space 50 such giants with hope to escape the war.

 ARCHANGEL -Is an angel of high rank.

ARCHFATHER - The Highest Spiritual Leader of faction . Selection or creation process of leaders is complex and will be described in separate section.

BIO-TECH COVENANT - Fraction focused on scientists , established under a special agreement with a woman pope. Members gave their lives for scientific purposes, usually abandoning their bodies for specialized bio-mechanical suits equiped with many implants . Extreme form of became a bio-tech master is...

CARCASS VIRUS - virus created by humans in secret laboratories as cure against fallen angels .

CARCASS VIRUS CULT - The cult of Terrorizers, zombiefied angels- where humans-cultists are just support and worship them.Terrorizers are  tolerate followers because without them they could not do many things -correlation can be described as similar to coexist "sharksucker" ( echeneis naucrates).

DEVILYN - one of the most dangerous enemies of humanity . Convergention of Devil and Fallen angel .There are only a few such strong Devils that could overcome the barrier of life and death. Recall them is very difficult and it has become possible only due to the descent of angels on earth.

 DEVILYN of Blood - Morgor -

 DEVILYN of Despair - Gorguts - First prince of Belzebub realm.

DEVILYN of Hate - Dethroner -

BELZEMOTH - Belzebub's messenger.


EXORCIST - The fraction derived directly from Opus Dei.

LANNAE KIR LATTORE - Woman Pope , Supreme Ruler of Humanity

MORTIMER -His true name is SANDALPHON and he is a twin brother of Archangel METATRON. Called Mortimer just after infection by Carcass Virus. One of the first zombiefied archangel.

SIX NIL SIX - ArchFather of Bio-Tech Covenant.

TERRORIZER - infected by Carcass Virus, zombiefied angel .
